Comparisons of the Woman with a Pearl Necklace, Woman in Blue and the Woman Holding a Balance

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Woman Holding a Balance

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Woman with a Pearl Necklace

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Woman in Blue

Compositional and thematic similarities are so abundant in these three paintings (especially if we consider the "original" version of the Woman with a Pearl Necklace ) that historians have always grouped them together in a sort of ideal triad. All three represent a solitary young woman standing in the left-hand corner of a room in front a a large table. A dark blue carpet lies upon the table and on the wall a map or a painting frames the girl ingaged in her quite activity.

The positions of the dark ebony framed mirror and a yellow curtain are almost identical in the Woman holding a Balance (left) and the Woman with a Pearl Necklace. Both the map and the positions of the background chair and foreground chair to the extreme left are the same in the Woman in Blue and the Woman with a Pearl Necklace. Although many ties exist between them, it is truly amazing how much each painting remains entirely unique.

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